Molly Mowery, "Intellectual Cosmos", Mixed Media (pastel, charcoal, ink) 18 x 24", Abstract + Experimental Drawing Class
Antoine Pastor, "Beautiful Sharpness", Acrylic Paint, Oil Pastels, Mineral Spirits 16 x 12", Creative Self Expression in Acrylic Paint Class
Susan Shafer, "Sister's Message", Mixed media/collage 17 x 14", Abstract + Experimental Drawing Class
Marty Resnik, "Blue Bowl", Stoneware ceramics 10 x 4", Wheel Throwing: Beginning + Advanced Class
Nathan Tada, "Silver Bandit's Comic Page #1", Photoshop/Digital Art 6.125"x9.6875", Creating Comics in a Digital Environment Class
Antoine Pastor, "Arnolfini Wedding Portrait Study", Colored Pencil 18 x 15", Drawing with Color Class
Brock Winans, "Alabaster Sculpture", carved stone 14" x 10" x 6", Stone Carving class
Emily Zang, "The Dark Page 7", Photoshop/Digital Art 6.875 x 10.4375 in, Creating Comics in a Digital Environment Class
Susan Shafer, "Grove Log", Charcoal and conte crayon 17 x 14", Abstract + Experimental Drawing Class
Hannah O'Donnell Wong "Concealment", Acrylic on canvas 9 x 12", Creative Self Expression in Acrylic Paint Class
Marcia Robbins, "Study for Erythraean Sibyl by Michelangelo - not" 18 x 24", Graphite pencils, Atelier Drawing Class
Ellen Przybylski, "Cross Painting", Acrylic paint, Create! Meditative Painting Teacher's Workshop
Lyndsey Stephens, "A little Cramped" Digital Painting in Photoshop, 14 x 11", Digital Painting in Photoshop: Monsters
Cathy Stamler, "Frottage", Pencil 10 x 14", Abstract + Experimental Drawing Class
Lynn Haney, "Cathryn's House", Colored pencils, pastel, marker, charcoal 16 x 19", Drawing in Color Class
Ellen Przybylski, "Photoshop Work" Digital Art, Create! Digital Collage Teacher's Workshop
Melissa OGrady, "The Little Minotaur and the Maiden", Oil on canvas 24 x 30", Indirect Painting Method: Oil Painting Class
Sarah Wisbey, "Nasturtiums", Oil Painting 40 x 40", Indirect Painting Method: Oil Painting Class
Deborah Smith-Prendes, "Master Study", Acrylic 24 x 30", Beginning Painting Class
Susan Shafer, "After Jackson" Acrylic Painting 20 x 20", Abstract Painting Class
Ellen Przybylski, "The Gift of Love" Mixed media, Create! Mixed Media Collage + Holistic Expression Teacher's Workshop
Marty Resnik, "Purple Bowl", Stoneware ceramics 10 x 4", Wheel Throwing: Beginning + Advanced Class